In the Canadian Senate, Bill S-233 has been introduced, which would develop a framework for a guaranteed basic income. This same bill has been introduced in the House of Commons as Bill C-223 by NDP MP Leah Gazan.
Guaranteed basic income has been tried (and stopped) in a couple of places through pilot projects, as the government used tax dollars to top up lower income earner's base level of income. There are differences comparing universal and guaranteed basic incomes, however many people remain concerned about the implementation and cost of these measures.
Universal basic income means that people would receive a paycheque even if they don’t work or don’t contribute to our communities. The cost of sending every Canadian money and managing an income distribution system would be in the billions of dollars. If every Canadian was sent $1,000 a month that would cost more than $350 Billion dollars a year.
Universal income disincentives people from working and maintaining a job. Many businesses have complained about how difficult it has been to find employees and giving people money won't help. Finally taxes would have to be astronomically raised to pay for a universal income.
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